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Nutrition education at supermarket in Hamrun where we met a lot of locals

Nutrition education at supermarket in Hamrun where we met a lot of locals "Empowering families one step at a time! 🍎🛒 As part of the Health4EUkids project, our Hamrun supermarket events have brought health promotion to life by teaching customers how to read food labels by our registered nutritionists and customers

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6η ΥΠΕ


Αναρτούμε σήμερα ημέρα Δευτέρα 26 Αυγούστου 2024 στον ιστότοπο της 6ης Υ.ΠΕ. τους Πίνακες Τελικής Βαθμολογίας και επιλογής των υποψηφίων  για όλες τις θέσεις ειδικευμένων ιατρών του κλάδου ΕΣΥ ειδικότητας ΨΥΧΙΑΤΡΙΚΗΣ που περιλαμβάνονται στην απόφαση έγκρισης με αριθ. πρωτ. Γ4α/Γ.Π.οικ.12386/28-02-2024 ΤΡΙΤΗ ΟΡΘΗ ΕΠΑΝΑΛΗΨΗ Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer  

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Health Programme for children attending Summer School at St George Preca College Primary school Hamrun

🌞🍎🏃‍♂️Health Programme for children attending Summer School at St George Preca College Primary school Hamrun!! 🏃‍♀️🥗🧘‍♂️ The Health Promotion staff  have organised a fantastic 3-hour weekly health programme throughout the duration of Summer School as part of the Health4EUkids project, in which Malta is proudly participating to combat childhood obesity. 🌟📅

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HPDP Play from Our Health Promotion Team Malta

🎭 HPDP - Health Promotion Team Malta 🍽️ We recently had the pleasure of hosting a school play at Hamrun Primary School (San Ġorġ Preca College) focused on the importance of healthy eating habits and understanding the plate method. 🌟Our Health Promotion staff put on an engaging and educational performance to

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