Health4EUKids -Your kid's health our priority!

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“Health4EUkids” WP5 “Grunau Moves” & WP6 “Smart Family” meeting in Menorca, Spain

The “Health4EUkids” joint action of the EU4Health European project co-funded by European Union and HaDEA is included in the field of health promotion and prevention of non-communicable diseases, indicating best practices and specific risk factors from research results on childhood obesity that have already been developed from previous research actions, namely Grünau Moves (Germany) and Smart Family (Finland).

At the WP5 & WP6 meeting of the European project “Health4EUkids” that took place on 19th and 20th September 2024 in Menorca (Spain), the General

Directors of Public Health from the Ministry of Health, Mr Pedro Gullón, Conselleria de Sanidad of the Valencian Region, Mrs Ruth Usó, and the Conselleria de Salut of the Balearic Islands, Mrs Antonia Elena Esteban Ramis welcomed the collaborated partners (Belgium, Croatia, Greece, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain).

On the first day of the meeting Session 1: WP1 Coordination Overview and Strategic Direction chaired by Apostolos Vantarakis (UPAT, Greece), George Karydas (6th Health ADM, Greece) and Vasiliki Iliopoulou (6th Health ADM, Greece) and the Session 2: Meeting Overview – Agenda Highlights and Objectives chaired by Rosana Peiró (Fisabio & GDPH Valencia, Spain) and Heli Kuusipalo (THL, Finland). Päivi Mäki (THL, Finland) presented the WP5 & WP6 Common Ground: “Monitoring the prevalence of overweight and obesity in children – Opportunities, challenges and status update while Carmen Barona (DGSP-GVA, Spain) presented the “Childhood Obesity and Overweight Regional Monitoring System, DGSP-Valencian Region”. Finally, on Session 3: Presentation of Implementation Projects in WP5 & WP6, each partner presented WP5 & WP6 Pilots Follow-up, Barriers and Challenges.

The second day of the meeting continued with the WP5 & WP6 Pilots Follow-up, Barriers and Challenges. Then, Session 4: Evaluation Indicators – Assessing Progress and Measuring Impact, Peter Csizmadia (NNGYK, Hungary) presented the Evaluation indicators for WP5 & WP6 followed by workshops on evaluation and adaptation with parallel sessions for WP5 and WP6. Afterwards, Evaluation Proposals – Sharing Insights Between WP5 and WP6 and the Closing Remarks and Next Steps chaired by Rosana Peiró (Fisabio & GDPH Valencia, Spain) and Heli Kuusipalo (THL, Finland). Finally, the Steering Committee took place where decisions about important issues regarding the project were discussed.



Health4EUKids -Your kid's health our priority!The “HEALTH4EUkids” Joint Action aims to implement health promotion and prevention strategies for child obesity across European countries. It seeks to share best practices and research findings, particularly focusing on the initiatives Grunau Moves from Germany and Smart Family from Finland. The project involves knowledge transfer, cooperation between member states, policy development, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles in families and communities. Its goal is to prevent childhood obesity, increase physical activity and healthy diet, and ensure the sustainability and transferability of successful practices to other member states.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101082462

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