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Health4EUKids -Your kid's health our priority!

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Participation of the European project Health4EUKids in the conference “Promoting health in the school environment using Digital Tools”


A particularly interesting day was held on Saturday 8/2 at 09:30 am, in the “Erasmia Canister” Event Hall (South Port, Patras Port Authority SA).

The central theme of the conference was the promotion and education of health through digital learning, using digital educational games. It was organized by the Hygiene Laboratory – Department of Medicine of the University of Patras, with the certification of the Education & Lifelong Learning Center (KEDIVIM) of the University of Patras, within the framework of the European Erasmus+ iLearn4Health project and was addressed to teachers, educators, academics and educational institutions.


Within the framework of the conference, in the section “How to prepare interventions in schools and communities, the Health4EUkids project for childhood obesity (A. Vantarakis, E. Gintoni)” the experience from the implementation of the European joint action Health4EUkids was highlighted.



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Health4EUKids -Your kid's health our priority!The “HEALTH4EUkids” Joint Action aims to implement health promotion and prevention strategies for child obesity across European countries. It seeks to share best practices and research findings, particularly focusing on the initiatives Grunau Moves from Germany and Smart Family from Finland. The project involves knowledge transfer, cooperation between member states, policy development, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles in families and communities. Its goal is to prevent childhood obesity, increase physical activity and healthy diet, and ensure the sustainability and transferability of successful practices to other member states.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101082462

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