Breastfeeding, Child Nutrition, Physical Activity… 3 concepts or if you like 3 pillars that support the health & well-being of our children. However, in recent years in Greece, there has been a continuous increase in childhood overweight and obesity, with rates reaching alarming levels already in the early school years. What are we doing wrong?
The only thing that is certain is that all of us, parents and health professionals, want to see them happy and full of vitality. With Professor Mr. Vantarakis from the University of Patras (Medical School) as our guide, and the 6th Health ADM as the coordinator, of the European project Health4EUkids, we focus on increasing skills and not just information through sustainable interventions in all three pillars.
The “HEALTH4EUkids” Joint Action aims to implement health promotion and prevention strategies for child obesity across European countries. It seeks to share best practices and research findings, particularly focusing on the initiatives Grunau Moves from Germany and Smart Family from Finland. The project involves knowledge transfer, cooperation between member states, policy development, and the promotion of healthy lifestyles in families and communities. Its goal is to prevent childhood obesity, increase physical activity and healthy diet, and ensure the sustainability and transferability of successful practices to other member states.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101082462