Execution of this task entails activities including workshop and consensus of multidisciplinary experts methodology to assess the potential health impact of different MCED approaches; review and analysis of all available and upcoming evidence using a multimodel approach (literature review, workshops, interviews of experts and companies, final workshop using a consensus methodology) for the purpose of assessing the scientific and medical value of MCEDs including health technology readiness; review and analysis of published models and analyses assessing the available evidence, together with an analysis of gap of knowledge regarding medico-economical modelling and cost effectiveness analyses of MCEDs; multidisciplinary review and analysis of existing and required evidence regarding the implementation of MCEDs including equity issues, health organization impact of MCEDS (need for micro invasive surgery platforms, specific HCP workforces or codevelopment of cancer interception/prevention approaches), and workshop discussion and consensus to describe the required framework and policies for the development of MCEDs.
This task will be led by UNICANCER, France, co-led by EMC, Netherlands.