Regional mammography training centre


Regional mammography training centre will be established in Latvia by involving local and international expertise and serve as a reference centre. Activities grouped under the following sub-tasks will take place:
11.7.1. European survey to assess the situation of trainings in breast cancer screening in Y1. The results will be assessed in a meeting in Riga with country experts (LV, DK, IT, SP, SI, UA, CY) to inform development of a training programme and to prepare a manuscript submitted for publication in Y2.
11.7.2. Train the Trainers: in Y1-Y2, future Latvian trainers (radiologists) will participate in courses in DK and IT to prepare for training others.
11.7.3. Mammography training, including hands-on training and theoretical teaching, and advanced technologies (AI and MRI) will be part of the programme.
11.7.1. Experts in radiology, radiography, physics, epidemiology, AI and other will be involved. Altogether 4 training courses will be delivered starting with Y2 till Y4 for radiologists (up to 14 per course) and radiographers (up to 4). Up to 56 radiologists and 16 radiographers are expected to be trained overall.
This task will be led by LU, Latvia, co-led by RSYD, Denmark.

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The general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101162959

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