WP5 NewsLetter – Spain
WP5 NewsLetter - Spain #HaDEA
Read MoreImplementation of the ¨Healthy Living Tool¨ by the 6th Health ADM in collaboration with the University of Patras in the 13th and 26th Primary Schools of Patras within the framework of the European project Health4EUkids In the context of the European Health4EUKids project and the implementation of the Work Package 5
Read MoreHealth4EUKids develops a community intervention in health promotion in Raval de Cullera The intervention of Health4EUkids in the Raval de Sant Agustí promoted by #Fisabio and #DGSP, with the support of the Cullera City Council, is progressing at a good pace with the participation of the neighbourhood and the social fabric
Read MoreHealth4EUKids: the European project in partnership with the DGS that is portraying the health of the youngest presents preliminary results in Alter do Chão 15% of children are overweight and around 36% do not do moderate to intense physical exercise, reveal the preliminary results of the study by the European project
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