Comparison of benefits, harms, and resource requirements across screening
programs to help countries prioritise screening interventions
Estimates of effectiveness and costs of screening interventions from tasks 10.2 and 10.3 will be integrated in a predictive model to derive comparative estimates of the impact of different screening (and possibly primary prevention) interventions, using DALYs as a common metric to account for the health impact of the interventions. Using the information about the economic value of a DALY and about the cost of the considered interventions, the
model will allow to estimate the timing of the ROI. Results of these analyses will be used to inform the prioritisation process adopting the methodology developed in task 4.4, to support policy decision about which intervention to prioritise by country/region. We will test the model in exemplary countries from task 4.4 and in non-exemplary countries, to share experiences and discuss similarities and differences.
This task will be led by CPO, Italy, co-led by EMC, Netherlands.