Implementation of communication and dissemination strategy


The strategy will be tailored for the EU Institutions, healthcare professionals, general population and patients/citizen organisations.

Communication and dissemination tools and channels will be matched to target groups (social media campaigns, participation in events and conferences at European and national levels, including the European Week Against Cancer and the European Cancer Summit).
Synergies with other important initiatives coordinated by the JRC will be created (the European Network of Cancer Registries [ENCR] , the European Commission Initiative on Breast Cancer [ECIBC] and the European Cancer Information System [ECIS]).
Through these collaborations pursued also in WP4 and WP6 tasks, outputs and evidence generated by the JA (notably best practices, lessons learnt, guidelines for screening programmes) will be made available to relevant stakeholders. A joint stakeholder conference will be organised in Rome as a pan-European networking event, with several workshops and parallel sessions dedicated to each core/key JA WPs. To effectively promote the JA at international level, the conference will reach out to specialised agencies such as IARC and other international stakeholders.
The communication addressing each of the groups/levels listed above will be organized to ensure credibility of the JA’s results.

This task will be led by Italy/ProMIS.

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The general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101162959

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