Assessment of data availability and exchange-related issues focusing also on new and riskbased screening programs


A survey will be conducted to assess which data are available for the indicators on quality of cancer screening process and dimensions of population sub-group or stratified analyses. The survey results will provide useful information to plan the data collection for the third screening report within the ECIS (CanScreen platform) highlighting areas and directions for improving monitoring efforts in European countries. Information about coding systems and data structure will be collected, which will provide relevant input to the activities planned in tasks 5.4 and 5.5 aimed to transform data contained within local databases into a common format (data model) and to define a common representation (terminologies, vocabularies, coding schemes), in order to perform analyses using standard analytic routines.
This task will be led by CPO, Italy, co-led by CSF, Finland.

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The general objective of EUCanScreen is to assure sustainable implementation of high-quality screening for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, as well as implementation of the recently recommended screening programs – for lung, prostate and gastric cancers. EUCanScreen will facilitate the reduction of cancer burden and achieving equity across the EU.






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This project has received funding from the European Union’s EU4HEALTH Programme under the Grant Agreement no 101162959

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